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Newhaven FC Official Website

50/50 Club

What is the 50/50 Club?

The 50/50 Club is a monthly prize draw run by Newhaven FC whereby 50% of the cash generated makes up the monthly prizes and 50% goes to the football club towards essential resources.

How does it work?

Each member pays £5 per month for a 50/50 Club number, giving you the chance to win cash in our monthly prize draw. There is no limit to the amount of numbers you can buy and no maximum or minimum number of participants; it is just £5/month for each number.

Who can join?

Membership is open to all players, staff, supporters and volunteers. Anyone age 18 or over can join.

What do I have to do to enter?

Please send an email to to register your interest, and you will be supplied further details on how to sign up.

How do I get my number(s)?

Numbers will be allocated once full payment and correctly completed entry forms are received. Your number will be notified by email.

When will the prize be drawn?

The prize will be drawn every month. The amount that you will win depend on how many numbers are sold. The more who enter, the greater the monthly prize!

Register your interest Send an email

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